Top Tips from Fox on How to Organize Business Travel

Traveling can be an exciting and deeply moving experience. But not always. For many businesspeople, travel is a necessary, and not always welcome, part of the job.

But business travel doesn’t always have to be stressful. With the right mindset and some clever preparation, you can make the most of your business trip. Fox has put together our top tips on how to organize business travel. Follow our suggestions below and cut out the stress the next time you hit the road on business.

Business Travel Tip #1 – Do Your Research

The first step in planning a business trip is to get all the information you can on where you’re going and who you’re meeting. You should also define exactly what goals you want to achieve from the trip.

You could be flying out to close a deal with some high-flying executives or traveling across the country to a trade show. You might be meeting a new client or reconnecting with a long-term partner. Are you going to a big city or a rural setting? What’s the weather going to be like in your destination? Should you fly or drive? Are you traveling internationally?

Research every aspect of your trip well in advance and you can prepare yourself for any eventuality. From getting a grip on local customs to learning a few words of a new language, packing the right set of clothes and having the right answers at the tip of your tongue. When it comes to business travel, forewarned is most definitely forearmed.

Business Travel Tip #2 – Book Ahead

When you’re organizing a business trip, the last thing you want to do is leave everything to the last minute. Your research will have given you the data you need to make the right decisions on how you’ll be getting to your destination and where you’ll be staying.

Booking ahead will help you to reduce your stress and give you time to deal with any unforeseen events. Plus, booking in advance can also get you much better deals on your travel and accommodation arrangements.

So, make sure you book your hotel room in plenty of time. Plane tickets or train tickets can also be purchased well in advance. Book a rental car with Fox ahead of your trip, and you’ll be able to get a great early bird discount!

Business Travel Tip #3 – Create a Flexible Itinerary

Unlike a carefree vacation, a business trip must be carefully planned. Every moment of your time needs to be spent in the most efficient and effective way possible. Remember: you’re traveling on the company’s dollar, not your own.

Still, everybody needs some downtime. With a little thought, you can design an itinerary that covers all your obligations and still leaves you time to take in the sights and relax. Schedule some free time into your itinerary. As well as giving you the opportunity to relax a little, gaps in your itinerary will help you to deal with any unexpected delays or changes of plan.

Business Travel Tip #4 – Pack Wisely

Don’t just cram a laptop, some files, and a change of clothes into an overnight bag. Put thought into what you pack for your trip. Careful packing can save you time, hassle, and make sure you have all the resources you need for your trip.

If you’re flying, be sure your luggage meets weight and height restrictions. If you’re going by car, make certain your rental car has enough room for all your luggage.

Make a list of everything you think you may need - and check it thoroughly! Pack clothes that are suitable for your destination. Take business wear and something casual as well. Include a spare change of clothes in case you need them! As well as your essential toiletries, you may need to take medication with you. Wear glasses or contacts? Take a spare set!

Your electronics will probably be crucial, so be sure your laptop and cell phone chargers are packed. Take along any files or important documents like your passport, driver’s license, or business credentials. It’s also a good idea to take some entertainment with you, so pack a good book!

Business Travel Tip #5 – Get Your Rental Car from Fox

A Fox rental car will give you complete freedom to go where you want, when you want to – for a highly competitive rate!

Whether you’re traveling alone or with colleagues, Fox has the perfect vehicle for your business trip. You can drive away in the ideal business vehicle for much less than you might expect! Get great deals by prepaying your car rental. Become a Fox Rewards member for exclusive offers. Save on accommodation with our Travel Partner Deals.