Fox Rent A Car: Best Travel Checklist

If you’re getting ready to hit the road, the rails, or the skies for a work or a vacation, making a checklist is a great way to ensure you pack everything you need. Check out our list of “Must Haves”, “Basics”, and “Extras” to help get you on your way!

Must Haves:

o   IDENTIFICATION: Make sure that you have the correct ID for your travel destination. Whether it’s a passport for international travel or driver’s license for domestic, you don’t want to leave this one at home.

  MONEY: Make sure that you have the correct payment method(s) for your travel destination. Credit cards can offer some security against fraud, and some provide travel insurance, while using cash can cut down on additional fees. When in doubt, having a secondary payment option with you can come in handy.

o   SMART PHONE: With many service providers offering coverage around the world, having your smart phone on you is an absolute must for both communication and navigation. Some businesses may also recognize your digital wallet; allowing you to use apps like Google Pay, Apple Pay, and Samsung Pay. Be sure you bring a charger with you as well.

o   TICKETS: If you’re travelling by plane or train, make sure you have your ticket. While a digital ticket is preferred in most places, having a printed version on-hand could save you a hassle at the gate if you’re experiencing connection issues with your smart phone.

o   ITINERARY: Make sure you have your itinerary handy. Check your departure and arrival times online before you leave for the airport or train station.

o   MASK: Understand the masking requirements for both your method of travel and your destination. Keep an extra mask on-hand just in case you need it. It’s also helpful to check the regulations for your travel destination.

Extras You’re Going to Want:

o   PORTABLE DEVICE CHARGER: Keep a portable charger on-hand when you can. Not all planes or trains have outlets to charge your phone and people tend to huddle around the outlets in the airport. A charger will help you avoid that whole mess.

o   HAND SANITIZER: While most places are conscious about keeping their establishments clean, having hand sanitizer with you can give you that extra peace of mind and prevent illness.

o   PILLOW FOR THE PLANE: If you’re on a long flight and plan to get some shuteye, bring a neck pillow. These are usually available in the airport concourse. You can try to use a rolled-up hoodie, but nothing beats the neck pillow for upright sleeping comfort.

o   SUNGLASSES: Are you going somewhere sunny and bright? Bring sunglasses. Are you going somewhere foreboding and dark? Change your itinerary.

o   HEADPHONES OR EARBUDS: As a courtesy to your fellow travelers, please bring these. Not everyone enjoys your garage band’s rendition of Ice Ice Baby. Please and thank you.

o   BEST PLAYLIST EVER: Whether using downloaded mp3’s, streaming services like Spotify, or an analog tape deck you found in your parents’ attic, you’re going to need some awesome tunes to get you through the trip. Please refer to the section above on headphones too.

o   GAMES FOR THE KIDS: No matter how you’re getting there, if you’re traveling with kids you will need to entertain them. Videos are alright but getting them engaged in fun travel games will keep them occupied while engaging their minds.


o   GLASSES AND CONTACTS: It may seem like a no-brainer, but these are one of the most forgotten items in travel. Put them on the list, check them off before you leave, and you’ll see the benefits.

o   CLOTHES: Dress comfortably for the trip and pack one extra of each article of clothing if you have room. This includes an extra pair of socks unless you plan on spending the whole trip barefoot on the beach. Then socks are optional.

o   TOILETRIES: Depending on the destination and amenities, toiletries may vary. At minimum, pack the basics: toothbrush, floss, toothpaste, razor, and a hairbrush or comb.

o   SNACKS: If this is a road trip, go wild! Eating healthy is advisable for sure, but some sweet snacks can make the long road a little more pleasant. If flying, stick to the concourse snacks for the plane. It could prevent you from having to explain the two dozen snake cakes stored in your carry-on bag at the security check.

Check out some of our other travel tips and tricks on our main blog page HERE. Thanks and safe travels!