First Time Flying Tips for New Parents

Flying with your entire family as a first-time parent can be overwhelming. Unplanned delays in airports can be frustrating, and infants tend to get agitated and cry hysterically whenever the mood strikes. Whether you’re visiting Florida or another awesome destination location, every new parent needs to have a well-laid plan for a successful vacation trip.

Wait Till Your Child Is At least Three Months Old

It’s best if you let your child reach at least three months old before bringing them on flights. Due to the congestion in airports, your children may contract diseases since their immune system is weaker than an adult’s. However, if you must fly, ensure you constantly wash and sanitize your hands. Bearing this tip in mind will help prevent most illnesses when flying.

Avoid Paying for a Separate Seat

Most airlines will give you options when it comes to flying with an infant.  Per FAA guidelines, you do not have to pay for a separate seat for your infant if you hold them on your lap during the flight. This goes for all children under the age of 2.

Select Easier Feeding Options

New parents are encouraged to carry milk in bottles to feed their babies. When flying, either parent or a travel companion can feed the baby. Bottled milk is also helpful for moms who are not comfortable with breastfeeding in public. Additionally, if the breast milk is insufficient during the flight, bottled milk is an efficient alternative. You must ensure that any milk you carry on a flight passes through the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checkpoint.

Book Your Flight Around Your Child's Bedtime

You should select a departure time that aligns with your child's bedtime for a more leisurely flight. This tip allows your child to sleep during the flight, eliminating unforeseen issues during the waking hours.

Carry Noise-Canceling Gadgets

Loud noises on flights may prevent your children from sleeping. Consider carrying along noise-canceling gadgets such as headphones. They’ll help your baby to sleep soundly.

Travel With Another Adult

New parents should travel with another adult to help with taking care of the baby. If the flight is too long, the parent might feel exhausted. In that case, having another adult there can be very helpful. If you have twins, having another adult on-hand is a must.

Select an Aisle Seat

It’s challenging for new parents to sit in the window seat or middle seat, but most airlines tend to choose a seat for you. If you are a new parent consider traveling with an airline that allows you to choose your seat. You can select the aisle seat, which allows you to move as you carry and feed your baby.